Maxim Integrated OneWireViewer, Version 1.5 User Manual

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Sample File Tab (DS1922L)

File Viewer Commands

Format Device (to create a root directory in the device)
The device must be formatted before files can be created. See application note 114 (cited above) for additional information. Formatting does not erase the memory.
Data from previous sessions will eventually be overwritten.

Create New Directory (to create a file directory or subdirectory)
Directory names are up to four ASCII characters long.

Create New File (to create a file in the device)
File names are up to four ASCII characters plus a numeric extension in the range from 0 to 99. Certain extensions are reserved for special purposes, e.g., 100 for
Append Files (EPROM devices only). (For more information see Table 1 in application note 114, "

1-Wire File Structure


Delete Selected (to delete a file or directory)
This function deletes the entry of the file in the directory or removes a subdirectory. It does not erase the file contents. However, with the file entry or subdirectory
removed, the file is no longer accessible through the File viewer. The file data can be recovered on the byte level through the Memory viewer (see above).

Read Dir (to read the device directory)
Displays file and directory names.

Read File (to read and display the contents of the selected file)
The file contents can be viewed as data bytes or as text. Click on the Hex or Ascii tab to change the view.

Write File (to write changes to the device)
This function assumes that the size of the file has not changed. If the file size has changed, first use Resize File to specify the new file length. Write File includes
an automatic readback for verification.

Resize File (to change the size of a file)
This function allows specification of the number of bytes that will be used for the file. If the new size is lower than the number of characters (bytes) in the content
area, the data will be truncated at the end. If the new size is too large, 00h bytes will be appended at the end of the file. A file first needs to be read before it can
be resized.

When the File tab is active, the File viewer:

Provides access to various file and directory functions.

Allows a file to be selected or a directory to be opened.

Allows the file's contents and size to be changed.

Allows the new contents to be written to the device.

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