Make Noise Phonogene User Manual
Page 16

Recycler: Record. Mult the Signal out, and patch to Signal IN MATHS Channel 1. Set MATHS Channel 1
RISE and FALL so that the Activity LED is Flashing in time with the transients of the recorded sound. This
will usually put RISE at around 60% and FALL at around 50%. Patch a dummy cable, or a manual gate, such
as Pressure Points Gate OUT, to Phonogene PLAY Pulse IN (14). Let Phonogene play to end of recording.
Once playback has reached end and stopped, patch the MATHS Channel 1 End Of Rise OUT to Phonogene
SPLICE Pulse IN (19). Now let Phonogene play through the recording ONCE by either pressing manual
Pulse once or removing the dummy cable and then immediately re-inserting once playback has started.
When Phonogene has played entire recording once, and is stopped, remove MATHS EOR OUT from
Phonogene SPLICE Pulse IN. There should now be nothing patched to Phonogene SPLICE Pulse IN.
Remove the dummy cable or manual Pulse from Phonogene PLAY Pulse IN. Using the ORGANIZE Panel
Control (13), audition the resulting Splices. If not acceptable, press and hold SPLICE button (18) until the
REC LED (17) starts flashing, re-install the cables to PLAY Pulse IN and then SPLICE Pulse IN, adjust the
MATHS RISE and FALL settings, and perform italicized steps again. Once you are satisfied with results,
utilize the ORGANIZE parameter to re-organize your loop. Try patching stepped/ clocked control sources to
ORGANIZE, such as sequencers (René) and sample & hold (Wogglebug Stepped OUT).
Sound Replacer: perform above Recycler patch. Once you have sounds isolated within
Splices, select the Splice containing sound to be replaced using ORGANIZE Panel Control
(13). Patch new Sound to Signal IN (2). Set SOS (4) to Full Counter Clock-wise.
This next step is optional, patch EOS to trigger new Sound (perhaps use VCA and
Envelope to control new sound). When you are ready to record the replacement, mult
EOS OUT and patch to RECord Pulse IN. Once Sound is replaced, remove EOS from
RECord Pulse IN. When you are done replacing sounds, press and hold SPLICE button
(18) until the REC LED (17) starts flashing. Listen to the results.
Firmware 372h Patch Examples
Tempo-Locked Reversible Granular Echo:
EOS -> Wogglebug Clock
EOS (multed) -> DPO Strike
Wogglebug Stepped Random -> DPO 1v/Oct
DPO Final -> Phonogene IN
Engage Broken Echo mode. Adjust Wogglebug Chaos Balance control to taste to choose melodic range.
Adjust SOS to ~1:00. Adjust or VC Gene Size, Varispeed, Slide and direction to “play” the patch. Granular
exploration will be recorded into the buffer, and all echos will be synced to the incoming strikes from the
DPO, even if echos are being played backward.
It’s Gonna Come Out:
Engage Broken Echo Mode, and patch a sequence with Rene. Adjust Varispeed so that the loop time is
close to identical to the length of the sequence. (Alternatively, use the End of Splice trigger to clock the
Echophon, multiply the Echophon Tempo, and clock Rene with Echophon Clock Out). Patch sequenced
audio to Phonogene IN. Adjust SOS to between 9:00 and 3:00 according to tast. Each loop of the melody will
be slightly out of time with the previous as they stack on each other, creating rhythmic and phasing effects.
This patch will also work nicely with looped concrete audio: try freezing it in the Echophon buffer.
Genetic Mosaic:
With Gene Size turned up to 9:00 or farther, patch EOS to REC in, and mult EOS to Gene Shift.
Overdubbing takes place over half of the genes (every other gene). Unpatch from REC and change the gene
size, then repeat. After several variations have been overdubbed at different gene sizes, unpatch from REC
again and adjust Gene Size to full CCW. Listen to the mess you have made. Because gene sizes are all
powers of 2, the result is sure to be rhythmic. Erase and try again if unpleasant.