Make Noise Phonogene User Manual
Page 15

Sliding Phonogene: with a sound already recorded into the Phonogene, set VARISPEED to 50%, so that
playback is stopped. Patch the Press CV from column 1 of Pressure Points to Channel 1 of MATHS. Patch
the Press CV from column 2 of Pressure Points to Channel 4 of MATHS. Set the RISE and FALL of both CH.
1 and 4 to around 65% and VARI-RESPONSE of both channels to “loggish.” Set MATHS CH. 1 scaling full
counter clockwise so that the resulting signal is inverted. Set MATHS CH. 4 full clockwise. Null MATHS CH.
2 and 3. Patch MATHS SUM OUT to Phonogene VARI-SPEED CV IN and set the associated attenuvertor to
about 70%. Use pressure placed upon Pressure Points touch-plate 1 and 2 to control the Speed and
Direction of Phonogene playback.
For the Infinite Benefit of Mr. Kite: VARI-SPEED (9) at around 70%. Press Record and let it run to end. Now
drop Splice markers on the empty recording as it plays through. Drop at random. Using ORGANIZE(13),
select a Splice. Patch Sound to Signal IN (2). Set SOS (4) to Full Counter Clock-wise. When you are ready
to record, patch EOS OUT (20) to RECord Pulse IN. EOS will trigger RECord ON. Once Sound is recorded,
remove EOS from RECord Pulse IN. RECord will go to End Of Splice and turn OFF. Repeat italicized steps
until each empty Splice is filed with different sounds. Patch EOS to Wogglebug Clock IN. Patch Wogglebug
Stepped CV to ORGANIZE CV IN, and set associated attenuator for 50%. Enjoy.
Regenerative Record: with nothing patched to Signal IN (2), and VARI-SPEED (9) at around 70%. Press
Record and let it run to end. Set-up Sequence or some sort of clocked patch with Sequenced Sound Source
(VCO->LPG) patched to Phonogene Signal IN. Drive LPG with division of Master Clock.
Master Clock => Clock Divider
/4 => Wogglebug Clock IN
/8 => Phonogene RECord IN (15)
/1 or /2 or ??? => Phonogene GENE-SHIFT IN (27)
Wogglebug Stepped OUT => Phonogene GENE-SIZE CV IN (25) (set corresponding
attenuator to about 50%) (26)
Wogglebug Woggle OUT => Phonogene VARI-SPEED CV IN (8) (set corresponding
attenuvertor to 40%) (10)
Start sequence. Listen to the mess you've made.
EchoPhon: with nothing patched to Signal IN (2), and VARI-SPEED (9) at around 70%. Press Record and let
it run to end. Splice the empty recording so you have multiple splice lengths, long to short. Apply signal to be
processed to Signal IN, set gain accordingly. Patch EOS (20) to RECord Pulse IN (15). Set SOS (4) to 50%.
Increasing SOS parameter will create more repeats in the echo. Set or Modulate Organize to change echo
times. Modulate Vari-Speed and other parameters to taste.