Make Noise Phonogene User Manual
Page 10
It is possible to manually Splice into the microsound range (down to about 10ms). This is an excellent
technique to experiment with since it allows for many different sizes, where as GENE-SIZE parameter sets a
uniform size for all pieces. Additionally ORGANIZE treats Splices differently than the SLIDE treats the Gene,
since ORGANIZE will wait until the current Splice reaches the end before moving to the next selected Splice.
This often has less glitches as the sound is traversed. A world of micromontage awaits.
Re-Organizing Splices
ORGANIZE is the one control on the Phonogene that is not instantaneous. Turning the panel control or
modulating ORGANIZE, the VARI-SPEED and Splice Indicator LEDs (6,7) flash indicating new splice found,
however, the newly found Splice will not be selected for playback until the currently playing Splice reaches
its end, at which point the End Of Splice OUT (20) will generate a 4 ms pulse and the newly selected Splice
will begin playing. The ORGANIZE parameter was designed for sequential control sources, such as René or
Pressure Points. The range is smaller than the other control inputs, reflecting the typical 5Vpp range of
analog sequencers.
It is worth considering that the human ear is more sensitive to incongruences in pure and simple waveforms,
so for example, recording a SINE wave of constant amplitude and Splicing WILL result in audible clicks,
while recording speech and splicing is not as likely to have audible clicks.
Speed Variation, Direction Variation
There is one control associated with both direction and speed, and that control is VARI-SPEED (8, 9, 10).
Also there are LED indicators (6, 7) which show direction of playback. At 50% VARI-SPEED is at 0, and
playback is stopped. Neither of the associated LEDs will be lighted. Turning Clockwise from 50% increases
playback speed in forward direction, turning Counter Clockwise from 50% increases playback speed
inreverse direction. VARI-SPEED has a wide range, with increased resolution toward the center of it’s range,
thus giving the control a nice feel when “braking” playback with a smooth control voltage. For “Wow &
Flutter” effects, modulate with greatly attenuated smooth random voltage (such as Wogglebug Woggle CV),
setting the on board attenuator nearly to 50% (nulled). Sequencing the speed of playback is also very
pleasing when combined with sequencing of the ORGANIZE parameter. Stopping Playback, Starting
Playback, Re-Triggering Sounds When VARI-SPEED (8, 9, 10) is at 50% the Phonogene has slowed to a
halt. When VARI-SPEED is set to greater or less then 50%, playback will start from where it was halted. The
PLAY Pulse IN will also stop and start playback, but in a very different way. At the end of each loop or splice,
the Phonogene looks at the PLAY Pulse IN (14), if it is high, then Phonogene continues to play, if it is low,
Phonogene stops at end of loop or splice. In this way, the PLAY Pulse IN, will always play the loop or splice
from the beginning. PLAY Pulse IN may also be used to re-trigger sounds, since it is essentially looking for a
change in state, from low to high. If you send repeated pulses to PLAY while VARI-SPEED is set for
playback, you will achieve the classic re-trigger effects. PLAY and VARI-SPEED respect each other, so for
example, if VARI-SPEED is set to 50%, a pulse at the PLAY IN will not trigger playback, since the playback
speed is effectively zero.