LABEC M-MIA-LA User Manual
Page 96

Ultrasonic milkanalyser
Operation manual
5. After the readings calm down, the operator has to press the button below
the inscription Set.
6. Repeat the procedure with Next buffer.
The following is displayed:
pH Calibr OK
This means that the procedure for analyser calibration was successfully
7. pH measuring mode is started automatically.
8. Check calibration correctness by measuring buffer solution 7.00.
9. pH Measuring.
After starting this menu the measurement is done in mode off line, i.e. the
analyser works only as a pH meter. The operator has to dip the probe in the
sample and on the display the following is shown:
pH measuring
y.yy pH
Where: – measured by the probe voltage
y.yyy – measured probe’s pH
By pressing the button Exit, the operator may exit the program and to pass
towards another menu.
10. pH En/Disable
Serves for enabling/disabling the pH measuring during normal work of the
analyser - On line. After starting it the display shows:
pH Measuring
No OK Yes