KERN & SOHN EMB 500-1BE User Manual

Page 23

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8.2.2 Density determination using the suspended weighing device

Density determination with help of the suspended weighing device is recommended
for samples that do not fit, due to size or shape, in the sample dish or glass beaker of
the optional density kits.
In this method, the solid is first weighed in air.
Afterwards, the solid is immersed in the aid liquid (at the right temperature), so that it
doesn't touch the bottom of the glass beaker, but is still completely submerged. Now
it is weighed again. From the two weight values, the scale determines the density of
the solid and displays it.

How to prepare the weighing balance

 Turn off the scale and turn it around.
 Open closing cover at the balance bottom.
 Mount the hooks for underfloor weighing.
 Place weighing balance over an opening.
 Attach the suspension device.
 Fill the aid liquid into a glass beaker.
 Heat the liquid, the instruments or the sinker until the temperature is

constant. Observe the warm-up time of the balance.