Kenton Spin Doctor User Manual

Page 9

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Select program 0 on Spin Doctor, and move the rotary knobs. If you have a 16
track MIDI song loaded up then you should be able to control the volumes of
each of the tracks from Spin Doctor. This you will immediately see is far easier
than using a mouse to control volume levels.

You probably want to do more than just control the volumes of tracks, so move

DATA ENTRY knob one click to the right, and the screen will flash Pr 1

(Program 1) which will allow you to modify, as the display shows, the panning
control for tracks 1-16.

For in-depth control of software sequencers, plug-ins and software synths, you
will need to refer to the relevant user manuals for information about configuring
the software to respond to external MIDI control. In many cases we will have
already created profiles which can be downloaded from our website