Kenton Spin Doctor User Manual

Page 17

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MIDI Analyser Mode

Spin Doctor also has a MIDI analyser function. This feature allows you to see
what types of MIDI messages are being transmitted by your equipment. In this
way, Spin Doctor may be used as a powerful diagnostic tool if you have a
problem with your MIDI set-up.

To enter analyser mode, switch the unit on whilst holding down the

F.KEY. The

display will show the software revision number of the unit until the

F.KEY is

released, at which point it will change to

ntno (note number).

Use the

DATA ENTRY knob to select the type of MIDI message you want to

display. The data types available (and their abbreviations) are as follows:


Note number – display will change to show the note number if a
note-on message is received


Note velocity – display will change to show the note velocity if a
note-on message is received


Controller number – display will change to show the controller
number if a controller message is received,

Pbnd if pitchbend is

received or

Aft if aftertouch is received


Controller value – display will change to show the data value if a
controller, pitchbend or aftertouch message is received


MIDI channel – display will change to show the MIDI channel of any
message received


Program change – display will change to show the program number
in the range of 1-128 if a program change message is received

SX n

SysEx – display will change to

SX Y if System Exclusive is received

tc n

Timing clock (MIDI clock) – display will change to

tc Y if MIDI clock

is received


Clock status – display will change to

StoP if a clock stop command

is received,

Strt if a clock start command is received, or cont if a

clock continue command is received

In every case, the display will only change if the relevant message is received.