Parameters – Kenton Pro-Solo mk1 User Manual

Page 4

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Below is a list of parameters available to edit. The letters in square brackets show

(where applicable) what will be displayed in the parameter 7-segment LED.


Parameter (default)

0 MIDI receive channel (default :1)


1 to 16

- Sets the MIDI receive channel.

1 Portamento time (default :98)


0 to 127

- Sets the portamento (glide or slide) time. This can also be adjusted in real time over

MIDI using controller #5 (portamento time). Please note that 0 does not mean

portamento off - to turn portamento off (if it is on) set portamento controller (7) to off.

2 LFO speed (default :80)


0 to 127

- Sets the speed of the LFO. This can also be adjusted in real time over MIDI using

controller #18 (general purpose controller #3)

3 LFO waveshape (default :TR)

- Sets the LFO waveshape. All waveshapes modulate CV and/or Aux any value between

0 to a positive value, except triangle, which modulates positive and negative. The

waveshapes can be changed in real time using controller #19 (general purpose controller

#4) The following may be selected; (the downward arrow (

) indicates the trigger point

when in MIDI sync mode).



Sawtooth up


Sawtooth down


PulseWidth 10%


PulseWidth 20%


PulseWidth 30%


PulseWidth 40%




Sample + Hold


(Pseudo random)

(actually a new S/H level for each trigger)