Preface, Intended audience, Manual structure – Compaq TP DESKTOP CONNECTOR AAPVNFGTE User Manual

Page 7: Related documents

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This manual provides reference information for the TP Desktop Connector
client services, formerly known as the ACMS Desktop Portable API.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for application programmers, application designers, and
system managers.

Manual Structure

This manual has the following structure:



Chapter 1

Explains the format of the reference information.

Chapters 2, 3, 4,
and 5

Contain the reference information on TP Desktop Connector client
services, presentation procedures, action routines, and the Compaq
OpenVMS based system management service.

Chapter 6

Lists the data compression monitor commands.

Appendix A

Lists the Compaq ACMS system status values that can be returned
in the err2 parameter.

Related Documents

For information on developing Compaq ACMS applications, refer to the
following manuals:

Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application
Programming Guide

Provides information for designing, coding, and implementing a TP Desktop
Connector solution.
