5 select – Compaq TP DESKTOP CONNECTOR AAPVNFGTE User Manual

Page 126

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This command selects records from the log file and writes them to a file from
which you can generate customized reports. If you do not specify a qualifier, all
records are selected.


SELECT file [/qualifier]



Is a required parameter that specifies the name of the file to which the selected
records are written.



Allows you to select detailed records associated with the application(s)
specified. The application specification can be an ACMS application name
or a list of application names. If you specify a list, separate the names with
a comma and enclose the list within parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild card
character is permitted in application name specifications. If you do not specify
/APPLICATION, records for all applications are selected unless you set default
application(s) with the SET command.

Specifying /APPLICATION with the SELECT command overrides any default
applications that you previously set. Specifying /APPLICATION=* on the
SELECT command selects records for all applications, overriding any defaults
that are set.


Selects detailed records that were written before the date and time specified.
The date-time specification is optional. If you omit it, records written earlier
than the current date are selected. Specify date and time in the OpenVMS
standard format dd-mmm-yyyy:hh-mm-ss.


Specifies a source file from which records for the report are to be read. If you
do not specify a source file, the latest version of SYS$ERRORLOG:
ACMSDI$COMPRESSION.LOG is used, unless you have previously specified

6–10 Data Compression Monitor Commands