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6.6 SET

This command sets default values for the LIST and SELECT commands. All
qualifiers, except /BEFORE and /SINCE, can have a default value. You can
use the SHOW command to display the current default settings. When you set
a default, it applies to all reports you request with the LIST command and to
all records you select with the SELECT command. However, you can override
these default settings on the command line by specifying certain qualifiers.


SET /qualifier



Allows you to select detailed records associated with the application(s)
specified. The application specification can be an ACMS application name
or a list of application names. If you specify a list, separate the names with
a comma and enclose the list within parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild card
character is permitted in application name specifications. If you do not specify
/APPLICATION, records for all applications are selected.


This default is applicable to the LIST command only. It specifies that the
report is to contain detailed information for all calls. This is the standard


Specifies a source file from which records for the report are to be read. If you
do not specify a source file, the latest version of SYS$ERRORLOG:
ACMSDI$COMPRESSION.LOG is used, unless you have previously specified
a default input file using the SET command. To override a default input file
setting, use /INPUT=* on the LIST command.


Selects detailed records associated with task calls originating from the client
node(s) specified. The node-identifier can be a DECnet node name, TCP/IP
address, or a list of same. If you specify a list, separate the identifiers with
commas and enclose the list within parentheses. If you specify a single
identifier, you do not need the comma and parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild
card character is permitted in node identifiers.

Data Compression Monitor Commands 6–13