Canon 30D User Manual
Page 20

Page 20 of 35
© Ken Rockwell 2006
09: Bracket Sequence/Auto Cancel sets two things. (You enable bracketing
in the menus.)
Sequence is the order of the exposures. Normal is 0 - +, which means
the first shot is at the normal exposure, the next is underexposure, and
the last is overexposure. You can change this to - 0 +, which makes
the underexposure first, followed by the normal and then overexposed
shot. This also applies to WB bracketing: + refers to more green or
amber; - refers to more magenta or blue.
Auto Cancel is whether or not the bracketing cancels when you turn
off the power or change lenses. By default, bracketing turns off with the
camera. If you set this to disable (a double negative: you're disabling
the auto-cancel so it doesn't cancel) then the bracketing is still turned
on next time you turn on the 30D. I wouldn't do this; I'd leave it alone.
Canon's manual implies that you have to choose a non-default "disable" in
order to repeat a bracket sequence. I think this was lost in translation, you can
repeat sequences in any setting.
10: Superimposed Display (Red AF Sensor Lights) let you turn off the red
AF sensor lights in the finder. I don't know why you'd do this. I leave this at its
default, which lights up the sensor in use as you shoot. If you turn it off, you'll
still see the sensors as you're selecting them manually.
11: Menu Button Display Position selects where you are each time you hit
the MENU button
0: Previous (top if power off): Every time you hit MENU you are where
you were the last time you hit it, unless you've turned off the 30D, in
which case it starts again at the top of the menu list.
1: Previous: You are where you were the last time you hit the Menu
button even if you've turned off the 30D.
2: Top. Every time you press the MENU button you start at the top of
the list. (hint: use JUMP to jump to each section)