Jaypro Sports ML-2000 User Manual

Page 9

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© 2005 Jaypro Sports Equipment JSL-Inst005 Rev B 09-06-2005

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Figure 14: Matlok Mounted Offset on Parallel Beam

h. Test operation of mat hoist system fully between upper and lower limits. Watch for any rubbing

of Matlok strap on any part of mat hoist system. If there is any, adjust location of Matlok until
system operates without interference.

5. Other…

General Description:

Mat storage system mounted to support steel not described above. It is impossible to list
every style of building in which a mat hoist system might be installed. If the system is
installed in such a way that all of the above described methods will not work, then
please contact Jaypro’s engineering staff directly. A custom solution can be designed
for any situation. Please be ready to supply photos and measurements of the mat hoist
system and the surrounding area in order to facilitate an accurate and complete design.

6. Wall Bracket Mounted

General Description:

Mat storage system mounted to custom wall brackets. You will need custom engineered
brackets to complete this installation. Do not attempt to ‘jury rig’ something to
complete the job. Stop the installation and contact Jaypro directly.

Call Jaypro Sports Equipment at 1-800-243-0533 during

regular business hours for technical support.