Casio IT-2000D User Manual
Page 133

Acquisition of Memory Device Size
If the memory device size is designated, the total capacity of the DRAM and the number of
NAND FROM chips is read. The memory device size is the total capacity of all the physically
installed devices, and not the disc capacity.
int SYS_GetMemCapacity(int nDevice);
nDevice = device type
= -1 Input parameter error
<> -1 DRAM size (by the unit of 1K)(where nDevice = 0)
Actual installed number of NAND chips (where nDevice = 1)
Setting/Acquisition LCD Contrast
The contrast of the LCD display is affected and varied by the ambient temperature. Therefore,
this terminal automatically detects the variation of ambient temperature and determines an optimal
contrast based on the acquired data. However, it may not immediately react to rapid temperature
variations or be ideal for each specific user. With this in mind, the terminal is provided with a means
to increase or decrease the LCD contrast manually.
The contrast value returned by this function is a correction value to the optimum contrast that has
been determined by automatic calculation. The value returned will be zero if no correction is made
manually; +1 or -1 will be returned if the contrast is increased or decreased by one step, respectively.
The range of contrast values that can be set or read varies according to the ambient temperature.
This is because the range of setup values that can be set for the hardware is between 0 and 31. If, for
example, the automatically calculated value is 10, the possible correction range is between - 10 and
+21. Consequently, the range of contrast values that can be read or set is between - 31 and +31.
The practical use of this library function lies in saving or loading the contrast setup prior to using the
SYS_LcdContrastUp() or SYS_LcdContrastDown() function.
int SYS_GetLcdContrast(int WINFAR *nValue);
nValue = Pointer to the area where the current correction value is acquired.
= 0 Normal
= -2 No response from KBC
= -3 VxD not registered (for IT-2000W only)