Canon C5800 User Manual
Page 9

It’s not merely a new way of printing—
it’s a new way of working.
A New Level of Printing Flexibility
Canon has equipped the imageRUNNER C5800/C6800 with
capabilities not found on dedicated single-function, color
laser printers. Some of these enhanced capabilities include:
• Secured Print –
Permits entry of a confidential PIN from
within the print driver. Printing will begin only upon
entry of the confidential PIN at the device.
• Store (to a Mail Box) –
Users can send print jobs to
a personal Mail Box for integration with other printed
or scanned data, thereby creating new compound
• Edit and Preview (Page Composer) –
Users can combine
and print documents that were created in different
applications as a single document, preview and
manipulate the merged file through a thumbnail view,
and change settings on the fly.
Create Professional-looking Output
Together with the imageRUNNER product line, the Canon
optional imageWARE Publishing Manager and imageWARE
Document Composer provide a complete solution for
document creation and optimal output. The result is
simplified production of professional-looking color
documents requiring various inserts and content types,
such as manuals, brochures, catalogs, proposals, reports,
books, and presentations.
O rig i n al
F in al M e r g e d
D oc u m e nt
P o we r P o in t
E x ce l
Wo rd
Merge scanned images with documents from various applications to create one document.
imageWARE Publishing Manager