Intek RheoVac SENTRY User Manual

Page 23

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Leak Location

Probe Indications of Air In-Leak (SCFM) and Plant DO

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Small leak or faulty exhauster
down stream of probe 4

Slightly higher or normal DO
1 = 2,
1 + 2 = 3 = 4 + 5,
4 < 5

Large leak or failed exhauster
down stream of probe 4

Slightly higher or normal DO
1 = 2,
1 + 2 = 3 = 4 + 5,
5 < 4 (Back flow at 4)

Center joint seal, LP bearing seal,
or other central location

Slightly higher or normal DO
1 = 2,
1 + 2 = 3 = 4 + 5

Some examples of observed RheoVac monitor measured data and corresponding identification of leak
presence and leak location determinations are:

Leak Location

Probe Indications of Air In-Leak (SCFM)

Normal tight system

1 = 2.5 SCFM
2 = 2.5 SCFM
3 = 5 SCFM
4 = 0 SCFM (exhauster 2 not in service)
5 = 5 SCFM

Abnormal, need to locate and fix
leaks (central joint seal)

1 = 15 SCFM
2 = 18 SCFM
3 = 33 SCFM
4 = 16.5 SCFM
5 = 16.5 SCFM

Abnormal, need to locate leaks and
fix Nash pump shaft seal in
exhauster 2

1 = 20 SCFM
2 = 20 SCFM
3 = 40 SCFM
4 = 20 SCFM (air back flow through exhauster past probe 4)
5 = 60 SCFM

Abnormal, Nash pump shaft
seal leaks in exhauster 2, but
not totally failed

1 = 7.5 SCFM
2 = 7.5 SCFM
3 = 5 SCFM
4 = 1 SCFM
5 =4 SCFM