Heckler&Koch P2000 User Manual
Page 9
Ambidextrous Slide release - A slide release lever is located on both the left and right
side of the frame directly above the trigger. These levers are used to lock the slide open,
to release the slide, and to disassemble the pistol. As a slide stop, it is lifted upward by
the magazine follower or the operator's finger as the slide travels rear ward during recoil
or manual manipulation. The slide re lease engages in the recess located on the left side
of the slide at its midpoint. The slide release is spring ac tu at ed and is held down out of
engagement with the slide until required. The slide release will au to mat i cal ly hold the
slide open when the last shot is fired. As a disassembly lever, the left side slide release is
removed from the left side of the frame when the slide is held partially rearward. During
disassembly, the slide release on the right side of the pistol remains attached to the frame
until it is rotated upward approximately 45° and lifted off the frame.
NOTE: The left-side slide release on all P30 models is normally not removed but is pulled
out until in stops. The right-side lever on all P2000 models must be rotated 45° to be
removed or frame damage will result.
Magazine release Lever - This ambidextrous, spring actuated le ver holds the magazine
in place within the grip by engaging in the notch found on the front of the mag a zine
housing. Depressing this lever downward with the firing index finger or thumb will allow
the magazine, re gard less of the number of car tridg es inside, to drop free of the frame. The
mag a zine release lever is shielded from accidental ac tu a tion by the design of the polymer
frame and flared trigger guard sur round ing it.
Frame - All sides of the poly mer frame are tex tured to ensure a firm grip, even with wet
hands or under con di tions of rapid fire. The trig ger guard is tapered with the front surface
grooved to provide a firm grip when using two hands or gloves to fire the pis tol. The
frame is a one-piece molded component with metal in serts (lock ing insert and guid ing
part) cast into the frame during production. The slide rides on these metal inserts during
op er a tion. The front of the frame exterior contains mounting grooves for the attachment of
accessories. The bottom rear of the frame has finger recesses located to the left and right
of the magazine well for manual extraction of the mag a zine, if nec es sary. The serial num-
ber of the pistol is en graved in the metal insert in cor po rat ed into the front of the frame, in
front of the trigger guard, on the left side of the slide, and on the barrel locking block.
NOTe: Some evidence of wear in areas where the polymer frame and steel slide
interface is normal.
The P Series uses the prov en 3-dot sighting ar range ment. By align ing all three dots hori-
zon tal ly on the tar get, with the front sight dot cen tered be tween the rear sight dots, the
op er a tor can quick ly and easily en gage the target with a high de gree of ac cu ra cy. The
rear sight can be adjusted for wind age by drifting the sight to the left or to the right,
de pend ing on the de sired shot placement. Bullet im pact on tar get will move in the same
di rec tion that the rear sight is moved. Be careful not to dam age the slide or slide finish
when ad just ing the rear sight. Adjustments for elevation are ac com plished by ex chang ing
the front sight with a higher or lower sight. The height of the front sight is in di cat ed on the
bottom of the sight blade. The front sight must be re moved by using a drift punch or an
HK-approved sight push er (contact HK Customer Service Staff for more information).
To raise the bullet impact on tar get, a shorter front sight is installed. To lower the bullet
impact on target, a taller front sight is installed. Installing the next high er or lower front
sight will change the point-of-impact 2 inches at 25 meters, depending on the am mu ni tion
used. P Series pistols are function fired and ze roed at the fac to ry at 25 meters, point-of-
aim, point-of-impact. Your actual zero may vary depending on the ammunition used and/
or your style of shooting.
WArNiNG: HK specifically disclaims any re spon si bil i ties for any damage or injury
that should occur because of, or as a result of, the use of faulty, remanufactured, or
reloaded (hand load ed) ammunition, or of cartridges oth er than those for which the
pistol was orig i nal ly cham bered for.
The HK P Series pistol is designed to fire quality, factory-loaded am mu ni tion, load ed to
NATO or SAAMI spec i fi ca tions for use spe cifi cal ly in handguns.
The following guidelines should be considered when se lect ing the cor rect am mu ni tion for
your pis tol:
1. Be sure the am mu ni tion you have chosen is com pat i ble with your pistol-proper caliber,
cartridge, bul let weight, etc. Caliber markings on the P Series pistol appear on the left
side of the slide and on the bar rel locking block, visible through the ejection port on the
right side of the slide.
2. Prior to loading the mag a zine and cham ber, carefully in spect all car tridg es for the fol-
lowing ab nor mal i ties:
• Cracked, split, dirty or cor rod ed cases
• Improperly seat ed pro jec tiles and/or primers
• Damaged pro jec tiles.
3. Do not attempt to fire a cartridge in which the pro jec tile has been forced back into the
case. Upon firing, this con di tion may result in increased chamber pres sure above safe
lim its.
4. Do not fire am mu ni tion through a pis tol that:
• Is for eign and/or out dat ed mil i tary sur plus
• Is as sem bled with cor ro sive prim er and/or propellant
• Is ex posed to oil, grease, wa ter or direct sun light. If possible, re move contaminants
be fore use and cool down am mu ni tion ex posed to di rect sun light or heat. (Ex po-
sure to sourc es of heat could raise the cham ber pres sure of the car tridge above safe
• Is loaded spe cif i cal ly for use in submachine guns.
CAUTiON: HK firearms are designed to function with quality, manufactured brass-
cased ammunition. Use of steel or aluminum-cased cartridges is not recommended and
could adversely affect safe and reliable functioning. Use of cast-lead bullets is also not
NOTe: Use of +P and +P+ am mu ni tion accelerates wear and reduces the ser vice
life on the component parts of any pistol, including the P Series pistols, and is not
recommended. For further information on ammunition selection, contact HK Customer
Service at 706-568-1906.