Heckler&Koch P2000 User Manual

Page 16

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4. Push the locking plate down into the magazine hous ing against the pres sure of the

mag a zine spring and hold it there.

5. On 10-round magazines, push the floorplate up onto the base of the magazine housing

until the locking tabs engage in the sides of the housing.

6. Check to see if the locking tabs on the floorplate are securely locked into the housing

and the lock ing de tent on the lock ing plate fits with in the hole in the floorplate.

On all magazines, check the mag a zine for prop er as sem bly by in sur ing that the fol low er

slides up and down free ly with in the mag a zine hous ing and with spring ten sion. Also check

that the mag a zine fol low er rises with in the mag a zine hous ing to be near ly flush against the

bot tom of the mag a zine feed lips.


NOTe: The service life and performance of your HK P Series pistol is dependent

upon the correct handling and proper care by the operator.

Materials required - At a minimum, we suggest the following materials to properly clean

the P Series:

• Cleaning rod with handle and patch holder

• Nylon toothbrush

• Bronze bristle bore brush (in the appropriate cal i ber)

• Cleaning patches (in the appropriate caliber)

• Lint-free wiping rag

• Cleaning solvent/lubricant

• Cotton swabs

CAUTiON: Use safety goggles when using solvents and ex er cise care if using

compressed air.

HK Handgun Cleaning Kits, #701956 (9mm & .357SIG), #701957 (.40 S&W), and #701958

(.45ACP) are avail able from HK for thorough cleaning of HK pistols and other firearms.

Cleaning intervals - Normal and Major are the two types of operator cleaning for the P

Series pistol.

Normal Cleaning - Performed after each firing or every twelve (12) months.

Major Cleaning - Often referred to as “detailed clean ing.” Performed after the firing of 500

cartridges or when the pistol is exposed to, or laden throughout, with sand, dust, water (es-

pe cial ly salt water) or other visible contaminants or foreign matter.

Normal Cleaning

CAUTiON: Do not use a stainless steel bore brush which can scratch the polygonal

bore and reduce accuracy.

Slide -

• Gently scrub all in ter nal surfaces of the slide using the nylon tooth brush moist ened with


• Remove all loose fouling from all sur fac es of the slide using a rag and cotton swabs.

recoil spring assembly -
• Remove all vis i ble fouling us ing solvent, a nylon tooth brush or a rag and cotton swabs.

Barrel (with locking block) -
• Moisten a bronze bore brush with sol vent and scrub the bore from chamber to muz zle at

least six (6) pass es, back and forth.

• Re move the loose foul ing from the bore using clean ing patches.

• Gen tly scrub the ex te ri or of the barrel and lock ing block with the nylon tooth brush moist-

ened with sol vent.

• Re move all loose foul ing from the ex te ri or of the barrel using a rag and

cotton swabs.

Frame -
• Gently scrub all in ter nal surfaces where carbon foul ing is present using the nylon tooth-

brush moist ened with solvent. Con cen trate on the area normally cov ered by the slide.

• Using a rag and cotton swabs, remove all loose fouling from all areas of the frame.

This manual is related to the following products: