Haltech HT055045 User Manual
Page 13

Calibration of the Electronic Throttle
Before trying to start the vehicle the Electronic throttle MUST be calibrated.
Calibration of the throttle is achieved by using the Haltech ECU Manager ETC
Calibration wizard located in the Advanced Tab within the Main setup page.
The process to Calibrate the Electronic Throttle is outlined below.
Install ECU into vehicle as described previously
With the ignition switch turned on, connect to the ECU via
Haltech ECU Manager Software using the USB cable provided
Navigate to the Main Setup page by pressing F4 or by using the
Setup / Main Setup Tabs
Go to the Advanced setup page via selecting the icon on the left of the
main setup page
Select Electronic Throttle Tab to display the Haltech Electronic Throttle
Calibration wizard, we are now ready to calibrate the throttle.
To begin the calibration process select the Start >> button
The Haltech Calibration wizard will now guide you though the Electronic
Throttle Calibration.
Figure 9- Main Setup Page showing Advanced Menu ETC Calibration Wizard
ECU Manager / ECU Manuals
Detailed manuals can be found in the software by pressing your F1 key or by
selecting the Help tab located at the top left of the screen
ECU Manager File Extensions
When ECU manager saves the map from the Haltech ECU, it saves the map with
a Haltech specific file extension.
The File extension can be broken down as follows:
Example File : xxxx.hbktheta-111
Later map versions cannot be loaded into ECU's with earlier firmware versions.
ECU Manager will upgrade earlier map versions when loading into ECU's with later
firmware versions.
ECU Manager upgrades maps between versions where equivalent settings are
available. However, new settings not in the original map, will be substituted with
values from the new version's default map.
Whenever ECU Manager converts your ECU map, you should always
check your map settings to ensure that all the appropriate settings
have been converted correctly.