Compatible Systems INTRAPORT 2+ User Manual
Page 52

Chapter 6 - Basic Configuration Guide
Ethernet example,, all traffic from a client
going to the internal network will be tunneled through the
IntraPort 2/2+. This is the most common configuration. There
can be multiple entries, including individual addresses (i.e.
As a special case, the entry will send all IP traffic
through the tunnel, although the ExcludeLocalLAN keyword
can still be used to exclude LAN traffic if desired.
Transform-Specifies the protection types and algorithms to be
used for client sessions.
v Note: STEP/STAMP (Compatible System’s proprietary tunnel negoti-
ation protocol) encryption parameters may be set using the
EncryptMethod keyword. This can be used to allow connections
from users running older versions of the VPN Client software, but
is not recommended for other VPN Groups and is not covered here.
Dual Ethernet Setup Example
configure vpn group "basic vpn config"
Section ’vpn group basic vpn config’ not found in the config.
Do you want to add it to the config? y
Configure parameters in this section by entering:
To find a list of valid keywords and additional help enter "?"
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # bindto=ethernet 0
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # maxconnections=30
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # startipaddress=
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # localipxnet=CAFEBOO
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # ipnet=
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # transform=ESP(MD5,DES)
Single Ethernet Setup Example
configure vpn group "basic vpn config"
Section ’vpn group basic vpn config’ not found in the config.
Do you want to add it to the config? y
Configure parameters in this section by entering:
To find a list of valid keywords and additional help enter "?"
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # bindto=ethernet 0
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # maxconnections=30
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # startipaddress=
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # localipxnet=CAFEBOO
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # ipnet=
[ VPN Group “basic vpn config” ] # transform=ESP(MD5,DES)