Compatible Systems INTRAPORT 2+ User Manual
Page 35

Chapter 6 - Basic Configuration Guide
7. Set up VPN Group Configurations.
VPN Group Configuration: General Tab
To access this dialog box, select VPN Group Configuration in the
Device View.
A. Click on the New... button.
B. Enter a New VPN Group Config Name (e.g. Sales, Account-
ing, etc.) in the pop-up box.
C. Click OK. You are now ready to enter group parameters.
D. On the General Tab:
Leave the Bind To pull-down menu set to Ethernet 0. You
may change this value later, but that is an advanced con-
figuration parameter and not covered here. The Bind To
specifies which interface on the device will act as the local
end point for tunnels defined by this configuration.
Choose the Max Connections value and keep this number
in mind. This number is the maximum number of concur-
rent Client sessions allowed in this VPN Group Configu-
Set a different Keep Alive Interval or leave the default
value. This is the number of seconds between keep-alive
packets sent to each connected client by the device.
Set a different Inactivity Timeout or leave the default
value. This is the number of seconds the device will wait