Radio installation – Great Planes Super Sportster 40 ARF - GPMA1040 User Manual

Page 14

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tail gear assembly to the plate using two #2 x 1/2" sheet

metal screws.

3. Slide the tail gear actuator onto the tail gear wire. Mark

the location of the actuator on the rudder and remove the

covering inside those marks. Use 6-minute epoxy to attach

the actuator to the rudder.

1. Mount the rudder, elevator and throttle servos in the fuselage.

Use the following sequence for mounting the servos into the

servo tray:

A. Install rubber grommets and brass eyelets in the servos

using the provided sketch.

B. Test fit the servos in the tray. Enlarge the openings if

needed to create a 1/32" [.8mm] gap around the servo.

C. Mark servo mounting hole locations on the tray, then

drill 1/16" [1.5mm] pilot holes through each mark.

D. Mount the servos with the screws provided with your

radio system.

2. Install the rudder nylon control horn in line with the pushrod

exit. Hold the horn in position and mark the location of the

mounting holes. Drill 3/32" [2.5mm] mounting holes through

the marks. Wick two to three drops of thin CA into the holes

to harden the underlying balsa, and then re-drill the holes.

Attach the horn using two 2-56 x 5/8" machine screws and

a nylon nut plate. Do not overtighten the screws,

crushing the underlying balsa.

3. Install the rudder pushrod. Place a clevis retainer onto a

clevis. Thread the clevis 14-turns onto the pushrod. Attach

the clevis to the outside hole on the control horn. Slightly

bend the pushrod as necessary to allow free movement.

4. Center the rudder and rudder servo and mark the pushrod

where it crosses the servo arm. Enlarge the servo horn hole

with a 5/64" [2mm] drill bit. (The Hobbico Quick Drill set

(HCAR0699) works well for this purpose.)

Radio Installation