Great Planes ElectroStreak Sailplane Kit - GPMA0385 User Manual

Page 22

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D D 17. Take o n e o f t h e 1 / 1 6 " x 3 " x 2 4 " b a l s a l e a d i n g e d g e

sheets and cut it as shown (measurements are approximate)
to fit between the LE and the approximate spar centerline.

D D 18. Trial fit the top LE sheet, sanding as necessary for

a good fit at the LE.

D D 19. Glue the top LE sheet in place. Here is a suggested

method: Apply aliphatic resin glue (i.e. Titebond) or very
slow-setting CA glue to the tops of the ribs between the LE

and spars; lay the LE sheet in place and glue it to the LE with
thin CA; bend the sheeting down over the ribs and glue the
sheeting to the spars with thin CA.

D D 24. Using an Xacto knife, cut the "alignment feet"

off the ribs. Then use a T-bar or sanding block to carefully
sand the bottom of the ribs smooth, to blend with the TE.

D D 25. Examine all glue joints and re-glue if necessary.

D D 26. Using a razor saw, trim the spars, LE, TE and

sheeting even with ribs W-l and W-8.

D D 27. Lightly sand the bottom o f t h e r i b s a n d s h e a r w e b s ,

using your T-bar and 100-grit sandpaper.

D D 28. Glue the TE sheeting, LE sheeting, center section

sheeting and cap strips to the bottom of the wing panel, in
the same manner as the lop (See Steps 16-22).

D D 29. Trim the bottom sheeting even with ribs W-l and

W-8, then sand the ends smooth and straight with your T-
bar. Also sand the TE sheeting even with the TE.


20. F r o m o n e o f t h e 1/16" x 3" x 18" balsa sheets, cut

pieces to make the top center section sheeting (from W-l

to W-3). Glue the top center section sheeting to the ribs and
to the LE and TE sheeting.

D D 21. Mark the rib locations on the LE sheeting and TE

sheeting to aid in placement of the cap strips.

D D 22. From the 1/16" x 3/16" x 18" balsa sheets, cut cap

strips to fit on each remaining rib, from the LE sheeting to
the TE sheeting.

D D 23. Remove the wing panel from the plan and turn it

upside down.

D D 30. Glue the die-cut 1/16" balsa tip rib in place, and

sand to blend with the top and bottom of the wing.

D D 31. Fill any dings and cracks with lightweight balsa

filler, then sand the entire wing panel smooth, using your T-

bar and 150-grit sandpaper. Observe how the leading edge
sheeting blends with the shaped leading edge. Sand the
leading edge as necessary to blend it in smoothly with the

top and bottom LE sheeting.

D 32. Repeat steps 6 through 31 to build the left wing

panel in the same manner.