Great Planes FlyLite EP Slow Flyer ARF - GPMA1107 User Manual

Page 7

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remove the adapter. Flip it over so the big end is forward, and
then reattach the adapter to the propeller shaft. Make certain
the screws settle onto the fl at spots on the motor shaft and
tighten them securely.

2. Temporarily tape together the end of the three motor

wires from the ESC (electronic speed control). Feed the wires
up through the hole in the bottom of the fuselage and out
the hole in the bottom of the fi rewall–this may require a little
fi nagling by holding the fuselage vertically or using a toothpick
or something similar to coax the wires out through the hole.

3. Remove the tape from the ESC wires and connect the

motor to the ESC. It doesn’t matter which way the wires go
for now because it’s just a guess anyway—we’ll make sure
the wires are properly connected later.

4. Place the ESC in the fuselage by guiding it up into the

hole in the bottom. From the top of the fuselage, pull the ESC
wire that goes to the receiver up and over the landing gear
mount into the radio compartment and pull the battery wire
into the battery compartment.