No! yes, Flying find a suitable flying site, Get ready to fly – Great Planes FlyLite EP Slow Flyer ARF - GPMA1107 User Manual

Page 19: Takeoff

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Find a Suitable Flying Site

Experienced fl yers already know their capabilities and the
precautions that should be used with fl ying even the lightest,
smallest R/C models, so they will be able to identify a suitable
fl ying site. But beginners often underestimate the skill and
space required, so they should err on the side of caution
by making sure they fi nd the ideal fl ying site—especially
for the very fi rst time. The FlyLite is designed to fl y indoors
even in a regular-size gymnasium. But for beginners a large
gymnasium or a sports fi eld house would be better until you
know your and your FlyLite’s capabilities. If fl ying outdoors,
beginners should fi nd a large, open area at least the size
of a football fi eld that is clear of obstructions such as light
poles, buildings, antennas, trees, roads and people. Finding
a suitable fi rst-time fl ying site will be well worth it even if you
have to travel far out of your way.

Later, when you become a pro with your FlyLite, you should be
able to turn it within approximately 20’ [6m] diameter circles.

Finally, if fl ying outdoors beginners MUST wait for calm
weather. Experienced pilots can have a blast fl ying the
FlyLite in winds up to around 10mph, but even a light breeze
(more than 2 or 3mph) can present too many problems for
an inexperienced pilot.

Get Ready to Fly

Mount the wing to the fuselage with two rubber bands.
(Experienced pilots who will be fl ying the FlyLite aggressively,
or intermediate pilots fl ying in breezy conditions, may use
four rubber bands.) Always turn on the transmitter fi rst, then
connect the battery and install the hatch. Do not arm the
motor until you are actually ready to takeoff.

Always, always, always before each and every fl ight
operate the controls on the transmitter to make sure the
control surfaces (rudder and elevator) are responding in the
correct direction.

Perform an operational ground range test as specifi ed in the
instructions that come with your radio control system.

Beginners should set the dual rates to the low-rate position
(consult the instruction manual that came with your radio
system to set up your dual rates).




The FlyLite may takeoff from smooth surfaces on the ground
or be hand-launched if a suitable runway is not available.
If taking off from the ground, set the FlyLite down pointing
directly into any prevailing breeze. If hand-launching, hold
the plane by the bottom of the fuselage under the wing.
“Arm” the motor by advancing the throttle stick all the way.
Listen for the beeps coming from the motor. Then, return
the throttle stick to idle. Advance the throttle—no more than
approximately half-power is all that will be required. In fact, it
is usually not a good idea to use any more than half-throttle
for takeoff. Otherwise the FlyLite may “jump” into the air too
quickly and establish too much of a climb—this applies both
to hand-launching and taking off from the ground. If hand-
launching, simply release the FlyLite or give it a gentle toss
into the air.

Too steep!

Good climb angle –

approximately 20° or less




Allow the FlyLite to establish a shallow climb. Resist the urge
to angle too steeply or turn too early.