Great Planes F1 Rocket Evo GP/EP ARF - GPMA1030 User Manual
Page 15

tubing and clunks (fuel pickup) on the carb and fi ll lines should
almost reach the back of the tank but not touch. The clunks
must be able to move freely inside the tank when assembled.
Adjust the length of the fuel tubing accordingly. When satisfi ed,
tighten the 3x25mm screw in the stopper to secure it in place
(do not over-tighten). Mark the side of the tank that must face
up when installed in the plane. We also suggest marking the
tubes in the stopper so you will remember which is the vent
line, fi ll line and overfl ow.
3. Attach a 6"-7" [152mm-178mm] piece of fuel tubing
onto each tube coming from the tank. Insert the tank into
the fuselage with the correct side facing up. The fuel tubing
should be routed through the hole in the center of the fi rewall.
4. Locate the two halves of the engine mount. Cut the parts
from the mount as shown. With the parts removed, slide the
two halves of the mount together.
5. Using four 6-32 x 1" [25mm] SHCS, four #6 fl at washers,
four #6 lock washers, and thread locking compound, attach the
engine mount side-mounted to the fi rewall so that the engine
head will be on the right side. Test fi t your engine between
the mount halves. Slide the mount halves against the sides
of the engine and fi nish tightening the mount screws.
6. Position the front of the engine drive washer 4-1/2"
[115mm] from the front of the engine mounting box. Mark the
location of the engine mount holes onto the mount rails using
a Dead Center Hole Locator (GPMR8130). Remove the engine
from the mount. Drill a #36 or 7/64" [3.8mm] hole on each of
the marks you made. Use a 6-32 tap to create threads in the
four mounting holes. Attach the engine to the mount using
four 6-32 x 1" [25mm] screws, four #6 fl at washers, and four
#6 lock washers.
7. If you installed a two-stroke engine, attach a Pitts-style
in-cowl muffl er. The stock muffl er could also be used, but
excessive cutting of the cowl would be necessary. We suggest
using a Pitts-style muffl er.
8. Cut the fuel tubing coming from the tank to the proper
length and connect the pressure and carb lines to the engine
and muffl er. The fi ll line should be plugged with the included
fuel line plug and able to hang free from the bottom of the
plane. Be sure to replace the fuel line plug after fi lling or
draining the fuel tank.