Adjust the pushrods – Great Planes Citabria EP ARF - GPMA1127 User Manual
Page 11

arm, closest to the fuselage. Center the servo and reinstall
the servo arm onto the servo, securing it with the servo screw.
8. Insert the z-bend in the
elevator control horn
. Insert the
control horn in the slot in the elevator. The notch in the control
horn should slide over the carbon fi ber strip in the elevator.
If the control horn will not fi t over the carbon fi ber strip, use
a sharp hobby knife to remove the excess glue from the slot.
glue the horn to the elevator until told to do so.
9. Remove the servo arm from the rudder servo and insert
the z-bend in the outer hole of the servo arm. The pushrod
should be to the outside of the servo arm, away from the
fuselage. Re-install the servo arm screw in the servo.
10. Slide the
black heat shrink tubing
over the aft end
of the rudder pushrod. Insert the z-bend wire into the hole in
rudder control horn
from the bottom. Slide the other end
of the z-bend wire into the heat shrink and install the rudder
control horn in the rudder.
The rudder hinge tape may be
covering the front of the rudder control horn slot. Use a sharp
hobby knife to trim the tape from the slot. Secure the z-bend
wire to the rudder pushrod by shrinking the heat shrink tubing
using a soldering iron.
Be careful
when using the soldering
iron close to the foam. The foam will melt if it is touched with
the hot soldering iron.
Adjust the Pushrods
1. With the transmitter and receiver switched on and the
elevator servo centered, make sure that the elevator control
horn is seated against the elevator. Check that the elevators
are centered. If they are not, you will need to adjust the length
of the z-bend.
For your convenience,
the aileron and elevator
pushrods have been pre-
assembled. If you are not
using a Futaba S3114
servo, or due to manufac-
turing tolerances, it may
be necessary to change
the pushrod length. This
may be done by holding
the heat shrink tubing that
connects the pushrod to
the z-bend and gently ro-
tating the z-bend until the
glue holding the z-bend
breaks loose. Then, adjust
the length by pulling or
pushing the z-bend until
the appropriate length is
achieved. Re-glue the z-
bend to the pushrod using
a drop of thin CA. Be care-
ful that the CA does not
run down the pushrod and
into the pushrod guides.
2. Once the elevator is centered, apply a bead of foam-
safe CA along the joint between the elevator control horn
and the elevator.
3. Use foam-safe CA to glue the rudder control horn to
the rudder.
4. Adjust the length of the pushrod so that when the rudder
servo is centered, the rudder is centered.
5. Apply a drop of thin CA to the end to the heat shrink to
further secure the z-bend to the pushrod.