Great Planes Triton EQ Charger - GPMM3155 User Manual
Introduction, Quick reference guide, Index

offers all of the specifi cations and features of the original Triton Jr., and adds a built-in AC power supply,
lithium balancing circuit, and a new reversed LCD with adjustable view angle. The range of currents and cell counts
make TritonEQ great for smaller sized electric fl ight applications. But it can still be used in various other applications,
such as for Tx and Rx batteries, fi eld batteries, and more. TritonEQ can charge, discharge, and cycle multiple types
of rechargeable batteries with high output power. A Quick Reference Guide, plus state-of-the art programming and
fl owcharts make TritonEQ easy to understand and use. Its very small size and light weight make TritonEQ extremely
easy to transport.
It is strongly recommended to completely read this manual before use! Damage resulting from misuse
or modifi cation will void your warranty.
WARNING!! Charging lithium-based rechargeable batteries poses a risk of FIRE! NEVER treat
lithium-based batteries in the same manner as other battery types. NEVER leave lithium batteries
unattended while being charged! ALWAYS charge lithium-based batteries in a fi reproof location!
Failure to follow all care and handling instructions contained in this manual could result in quick,
severe, permanent damage to the batteries and all surroundings!! Follow all safety precautions
when using such batteries, as listed on pages 9-12 of this manual!
1. Connect TritonEQ to the AC or DC input power source. (See page 3 for details)
2. Find the programming fl owcharts included in the package.
3. Press BATT TYPE to fi nd the screen which matches your battery type. (See page 5 for details)
4. Connect the proper charge adapter to the “Output” jacks. Connect the battery to the charge lead, observing proper polarity.
5. To charge:
a. For NiCd and NiMH batteries see page 5.
b. For lithium based batteries see page 11.
c. For lead-acid (Pb) batteries see page 12.
6. To discharge:
a. For NiCd and NiMH batteries see page 7.
b. For lithium based batteries see page 12.
c. For lead-acid (Pb) batteries see page 13.
7. For cycling of NiCd and NiMH batteries see page 8.
Specifi cations .........................................................................2
Special Features and Functions ...........................................2
Important Warnings ................................................................2
Glossary of Terms ..................................................................3
Input Power – Connection, Protections and Limitations ....3
Charger Controls and Output Connections .........................4
Determining Battery Type and Specifi cations......................5
Getting Started – Main Menu .................................................5
Care and Handling Instructions for NiMH Batteries ...............5
Charging NiCd or NiMH Batteries .........................................5
Discharging NiCd and NiMH Batteries .................................7
Cycling NiCd and NiMH Batteries .........................................8
Important Care and Handling Instructions for
Lithium-Polymer Batteries .....................................................9
Selecting LiPo, Li-Ion or LiFe Battery Types ......................10
Balanced vs. Non-balanced Lithium Packs ........................10
Charging LiPo, Li-Ion, or LiFe Batteries .............................11
Discharging LiPo, Li-Ion, or LiFe Batteries ........................12
Care and Handling for Lead-Acid (Pb) Batteries ...............12
Charging Pb (Lead-Acid) Batteries .....................................12
Discharging Pb Batteries .....................................................13
Miscellaneous Functions .....................................................13
Data View Screens – Charge, Discharge and Cycle Data .....14
Heat Ventilation .....................................................................15
Errors Indications and Safety Features ..............................15
Troubleshooting Guide ........................................................15
1-Year Limited Warranty – U.S.A. and Canada Only ..........16