GME TX3340 User Manual
Page 13
t X 3 3 4 0
i n s t r u c t i o n m A n uA l
PA G E 1 3
3. When the required selcall memory is displayed, press and hold
the CALL button to send the ident.
naMing your selCall iDents
the tX3340 allows you to name each selcall ident using a 5
character AlPhA name. the name is stored in memory along
with the ident making it easier to identify whose ident you are
recalling from the memory. if an incoming selcall matches one
of those in your radio’s memory, the name can be displayed
instead of the selcall ident.
DisPlaying alPha naMes
To display the Selcall’s ALPHA Name
you must have the radio’s AlPhA display mode selected.
To toggle the ALPHA display mode
Briefly press the F key followed by the ALPHA key. ‘AlPhA’
or ‘numEr’ will be displayed for 2 seconds below the channel
display to indicate the selected mode.
TIP: the normal channel display may give no indication of
which display mode is selected. the selected mode will only
become obvious when displaying idents.
entering anD storing a selCall naMe
NOTE: you should first store the required ident in memory as
described above under Storing Selcall Idents.
1. Ensure the AlPhA mode is selected (briefly press the F key
followed by the ALPHA key to toggle AlPhA mode).
2. Briefly press the CALL button. the cAll to mode will be
selected and the last-sent selcall memory location will
be displayed.
3. Press the or keys to select the required selcall
memory (locations c0 to c9). if no AlPhA name has been
programmed for that memory the radio will probably display
‘- - - - -’ otherwise it will display the last AlPhA name
programmed into that memory.
4. With the required memory location displayed, enter the
required AlPhA name as follows:
(a) Press and hold the PRI key until the radio beeps. the
left-hand character of the AlPhA name will flash.
(b) Press the or keys to select the required letter in
the flashing character position.
The following characters are available:
A B c d E F G h i J K
l m n o P Q r s t u V
W X y Z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
sPAcE * -
(c) Briefly press the PRI key again to select the next
character position.
(d) repeat steps (b) and (c) to enter all 5 characters
as required.
(e) now press and hold the PRI key. the entire AlPhA
name will flash for a few seconds then the radio will
beep as the name is stored.
repeat the procedure to add AlPhA names to any other selcall
idents stored in memory.
Changing your own selCall iDent
To change your radio’s own Selcall Ident:
1. Ensure your radio is in numeric mode (press F, ALPHA
repeatedly until ‘numEr’ is displayed).
2. Press the CALL button. ‘cAll to’ is displayed along with
the last send or received selcall ident.
3. Press the button. ‘id’ will be displayed along with your
radio’s own selcall ident.
4. Press and hold the PRI key until the radio beeps. the right
hand selcall digit will flash.
5. Press the or buttons to select the required number in
the flashing digit position.