GME TX675TP User Manual

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i n s t r u c t i o n m A n uA l

t X 6 7 5


sAFEtY inFormAtion......................... 2
imPortAnt inFormAtion
concErninG uHF cB rADio .............. 3

Possible issues ................................ 3
Emergency channels ....................... 4
telemetry channels ......................... 4

imPortAnt ADVicE............................. 4
suPPliED witH .................................... 4
oPtionAl AccEssoriEs ...................... 5
FEAturEs ............................................ 5
controls ........................................... 6
lcD icons ......................................... 7
cHArGinG tHE BAttErY ..................... 8

to remove the battery pack............. 8
to refit the battery pack .................. 8
charging the battery pack .............. 8
charging the tX675 single unit ....... 9
in-vehicle charging ......................... 9
charging the tX675 twin pack ....... 9

BAttErY usAGE .................................. 10

Battery low alert ............................. 10
conserving battery power............... 10
standby mode ................................. 10
using ctcss/Dcs ........................... 10
scanning ......................................... 10
low transmit power settings ........... 10

GEnErAl oPErAtion .......................... 11

Power on/off ................................... 11
Adjusting the volume ...................... 11
Display lighting ............................... 11

receiving signals ............................ 11
transmitting ................................... 11
selecting channels .......................... 11
squelch ........................................... 12
Keypad lock ................................... 12
Duplex operation ............................ 12

scAnninG .......................................... 13

to add or remove scan channels ..... 13
to scan ........................................... 13
scanning features ........................... 13

ctcss, Dcs AnD silEnt moDE ............ 14
mEnu .................................................. 14

using the menu .............................. 15
Duplex mode selection.................... 15
ctcss and Dcs code selection ....... 15
transmitter power ........................... 16
VoX settings ................................... 17
squelch level setting ....................... 17
roger Beep tone ............................. 17
Button Beep.................................... 18
call Alarm selection ........................ 18
Dual watch ..................................... 18
Dual watch operation ..................... 19

ctcss tonE FrEQuEnciEs .................. 19
Dsc tonE cHArt................................. 20
uHF cB oPErAtinG FrEQuEnciEs ...... 21
sPEciFicAtions .................................. 22
sc contrAct wArrAntY AGAinst
DEFEcts .............................................. 23

sAFetY InFoRMAtIon

the tX675 is a radio transmitting device.
• When transmitting, keep the antenna more than 25 mm from any part of the

head or body.

• Do not transmit near electrical blasting equipment or in explosive atmospheres.
• Do not allow children to operate a radio transmitter unsupervised.

This manual is related to the following products: