GME TX3120S User Manual
Page 18

PA G E 1 8 I N S T R U C T I O N M A N UA L
T X 3 1 2 0 S
Channels 1 – 8, 31 – 38, 41 – 48
and 71 – 78 should only be used in Simplex mode
if there are no repeaters in or near your location
that operate on the selected channel. In particular,
avoid operating in Simplex mode on any of the
repeater input channels 31 – 38 and 71 – 78
unless you are absolutely sure that there are no
repeaters in range using that channel. Inadvertently
transmitting on an active repeater input frequency
in simplex mode could cause interference to other
users on that repeater that would not be audible
to your radio.
The Priority channel feature allows you to instantly
recall any one of the 80 channels in your radio.
This feature can be used to provide instant access
to your working channel or your local repeater
channel at the press of key. It is also used in
conjunction with the Group Scan mode.
To store a Priority Channel;
1. Press and hold the Channel control to enter the
menu. The display will show the current Squelch
level setting.
2. Rotate the Channel control until ‘PRIxx’ is
displayed (where xx is a number from 01 - 80),
then press the Channel control to select it.
3. Rotate the Channel control to select your
required priority channel number.
When finished press and hold the Channel control
to exit the menu.
Priority channel = 80
To recall a Priority Channel;
Briefly press the Channel control. The radio will
immediately switch to the Priority channel. The
priority channel is identified by the * icon.
If the radio was scanning when the Priority
channel was recalled, the scan will be cancelled.
Your radio incorporates a scan function allowing
selected groups of channels to be scanned for
signals. Channels can be scanned at a rate of
45 channels per second. When a signal is found,
scanning will pause to allow the signal to be heard
then resume scanning when the channel is clear
Scan Groups
Your radio supports three scan groups - Open Scan,
Group Scan and Network Scan. Each scan group
has separate channel memories allowing you to
program your choice of channels into each group
for scanning.
Selecting a Scan Group
To select Open Scan, Group Scan or Network Scan;
1. Press and hold the Channel control to enter the
menu. The display will show the current Squelch
level setting.
2. Rotate the Channel control until ‘OPEN’,
‘GROUP’ or NETWK’ is displayed, then press the
Channel control to select it.