Futaba GY701 User Manual

Page 7

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j When using the condition hold function, trans-
mitter’s function), always set the throttle servo
maximum operating point to less than the point
at which the governor is turned on. Depending on
the conditions, this setting will turn on the gover-
nor and prevent the engine from exceeding the
set speed even when condition hold is set.

j At the beginning of flight, keep the governor in
the off state by setting the throttle stick to maxi-
mum slow side.

j When the model is on the ground, lower the
pitch to the position at which the model does not
try to lift off. Do not take your eyes off the model.
When the governor operates and the rotor speed
increases the lift also increases causing the
model to try lift off , depending on the pitch posi-

j Check the sensor output not only when install-
ing the sensor but periodically. Since the magnet
rotates at high speed, it is subjected to a large
centrifugal force. Check the magnet output and
mounting state after about every 10 flights.

j If the model begins to shake during operation,
immediately turn off the governor. The carburetor
design, etc. may cause the engine to operate un-
stable. If this occurs, lower the maximum speed
setting to the range over which there is no prob-