Futaba GY701 User Manual
Page 28

5. Operation mode [default: Gyro+Gov]
This sets the operation mode of the GY701. Set to
“Governor” when the gyro sensor is not used and set
“Gyro” when the governor sensor is not used. Set
“Gyro+Gov” when the both gyro and governor sensor
are installed. Mode is changed by pushing the data +
or – key. The home screen is changed after changing
the operation mode. The “SensorER” is displayed
when the gyro sensor is not installed and the opera-
tion mode is set “Gyro” or “Gyro+Gov” mode. Push
any key to escape this display and set the operation
mode to “Governor”.
When the operation mode is changed, you will need
to reboot the GY701. During the operation, you can
not change the mode.
ARNING Display
Governor warning display
The warning symbol is displayed when the gover-
nor is on during power up. The governor is never
activated at this time. The governor will work
once the condition is turned off. The governor
must be off while starting the engine.