Flyzone HCAA27 User Manual
Page 11

❏ 1. Switch on the transmitter and move the throttle
slide to the left. Make sure the LED on the radio
is green. IMPORTANT! When you turn on the
transmitter the LED should be green. If it is no longer
green and begins to turn to a pale yellow, the battery
is getting low. If the LED is fl ashing red, the battery
voltage is unsafe to fl y the model. Never fl y when the
transmitter battery’s LED is not green.
❏ 2. Install the battery and battery cover. Turn on the
radio using the switch on the side of the airplane.
CAUTION: Once the battery is connected to
the ESC and the plane is turned on, stay clear of
the propeller.
❏ 3. Center the rudder and elevator trim. Be sure
the elevator is aligned with the horizontal stab and
that the rudder is aligned with the vertical fi n. If
they are not, align them using the trims.
❏ 1. Be sure your transmitter has fresh “AA” batteries
installed (not included). Turn on the transmitter
and center the trims. If necessary, adjust the control
surfaces with the adjustment knobs to center them
or use the trim levers on the radio.
❏ 2. Make sure the battery is connected in the
airplane. Turn the switch to the on position
(towards the back of the plane).
❏ 3. Check the operation of all control surfaces.
The stick on the front of the radio will control the
rudder and elevator. The slide switch on the top,
left side of the transmitter controls the throttle.
The throttle slide should be to the far left positon.
❏ A. When the control stick is moved down, the
elevator will move up. When the control stick is
moved up, the elevator will move down.
❏ B. When the control stick is moved left, the
rudder will move left. When the control stick is
moved right, the rudder will move right.