Hand launch, Flight, Repairs – Flyzone FLZA3342 User Manual
Page 11: Replacement parts

It is a good idea to have a helper hand launch the Eraze for
the fi rst few fl ights until you are comfortable with its fl ying
Hold the airplane by the fi nger grips just in front of the servos.
Point the plane directly into the wind and at a slight upward
angle of 15° to 20° with the wings level with the horizon. Apply
full throttle and toss the plane into the wind, taking care to
launch it straight without any rotation. The Eraze does not
require an aggressive launch to achieve fl ying speed. A hand
launch similar to the effort applied when throwing a dart is all
that is needed. Immediately following the plane’s launch, apply
a little up elevon to gain altitude and be prepared to make any
corrections with the elevons. Once you are at a comfortable
altitude, throttle back to a comfortable speed, make your fi rst
turn and begin to trim the model for straight and level fl ight.
The Eraze is an energetic plane and the controls are very
responsive. Be prepared for this during your fi rst few fl ights by
maintaining altitude and get a feel for the roll rate and the way in
which the Eraze handles. Throttle back at altitude to 3/4 throttle
during your fi rst fl ight to get the model trimmed out. When you
are familiar with the Eraze, you will discover it can perform
loops, rolls, inverted fl ight and a variety of aerobatics that do not
require rudder. Expect fl ight times of approximately 10 minutes
(with throttle management) when using the recommended
battery. Allow yourself excess time to prepare for your landing
approach. When it’s time to land, make your fi nal pass with the
wind, slow the model and make a wide banking turn into the
wind approaching your landing spot. Maintain approximately
1/4 throttle and allow the plane to descend, being sure to keep
the plane at a level attitude. When the plane is about one foot
off the deck, apply some up elevator to fl are the model and cut
the throttle. If the motor begins to noticeably lose power, the
battery is near depleted and soon will no longer be adequately
able to power the motor. The Eraze can still be controlled after
this point. As soon as you detect power being reduced, turn
into the wind as soon as possible and land the plane. Failing
to do so may result in you landing "dead stick" (completely
without power) and your model may suffer damage from an
uncontrolled landing. We strongly encourage you to use a fl ight
timer set for 9 minutes (safe fl ying time with a fully charged
battery) and allow yourself enough time to make your landing
approach before the timer goes off.
Repairs to your Eraze can be made quickly and easily using
regular CA glue (not foam-safe CA). Apply a small amount
of glue into the joint that is being repaired. Excess glue will
squeeze out of the joint and onto the surface of the plane so
use the glue sparingly. Hold the joint together and apply a
light mist of CA accelerator to the glue line.
Replacement parts are available only as listed. Replacement
parts are not available from Product Support, but can be
purchased from hobby shops or mail order/Internet order
fi rms. If you need assistance locating a dealer to purchase
parts from, contact:
Product Support
Phone: 217-398-0007 Fax: 217-398-7721
E-mail: [email protected]
Order No.
Airframe Wing & Hatch
Vertical Fin
Servo 9G
Pushrod Set w/Horns
Brushless ESC 12A
Brushless Motor 22mm
Motor Mount
Propeller (2)
Pushrod Covers (2)
Prop Saver Bands (3)
12V 1A AC Power Adapter
2S Micro LiPo AC/DC Charger
2S Micro LiPo DC Charger w/ Car Adapter
LiPo 2S 7.4 V 600 mAh 25C
This product is suitable only for people of 14 years and older.