Voltages, Overrides, Trigger – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v1.7.3 User Manual
Page 41: Envelope
The two knobs set the minimum and maximum voltages generated
by the plug-in. Both range from -1.0 to +1.0, and it’s fine for the Min
to actually be higher than the Max, if for example you want an in-
verted envelope.
Exactly the same as the Overrides in the Voice Controller, except that
this plug-in has no Pitch output.
The ‘Length’ control sets the length of the trigger pulse that is emitted in
Trigger mode, in milliseconds.
The envelope controls are exactly
the same as those of the Voice
Controller’s envelopes, though
the full controls are always dis-
played. In terms of the Voice
Controller’s ‘simple controls’:
A = Time A2
D = Time A3
S = Sustain
R = Time R1