Requestperiodiccallback( interval, function ), Canceltimer( timer ), Setguiboolvalue( id, value ) – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.4.1 User Manual
Page 65: Getguiboolvalue( id ), Setothersguiboolvalue( other, id, value ), Getothersguiboolvalue( other, id ), Registeroscpathforparameter( path, param )

requestTimedCallback( 2.0, timerTimeOut )
requestPeriodicCallback( interval, function )
Requests that the given function should be called every interval seconds. Returns a timer
object that can be passed to cancelTimer() (see below). E.g.
local function timerCallback()
print( "tick" )
requestPeriodicCallback( 1.0, timerCallback )
cancelTimer( timer )
Cancels a timer that was created with requestTimedCallback() or requestPeriodicCall-
back(). After this call the timer object is no longer valid and should not be used. E.g.
timer = requestPeriodicCallback( 1.0, timerCallback )
-- timer is now firing every second
cancelTimer( timer )
timer = nil
setGUIBoolValue( id, value )
Sets a value that can be picked up by GUI objects. ‘id’ is a number between 0 and 7. ‘value’
is interpreted as a boolean value (true or false). See the GUI script method
for a
typical usage.
getGUIBoolValue( id )
Gets one of the values that can be set with setGUIBoolValue(). ‘id’ is a number between 0
and 7.
setOthersGUIBoolValue( other, id, value )
As setGUIBoolValue() but sets the value on other instances of the plug-in - see
setOthersParameter() above.
getOthersGUIBoolValue( other, id )
As getGUIBoolValue() but gets the value from another instance of the plug-in - see
getOthersParameter() above.
registerOSCPathForParameter( path, param )
Registers the OSC path ‘path’ as controlling the parameter ‘param’ (which is a parameter
name or ID, as for e.g. setParameter()).