Osc base port, Midi output, Rounded tempos (for live) – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.4.1 User Manual
Page 40: Legacy filter behaviour

OSC Base Port
Sets the base port number for OSC. See the section on OSC,
MIDI output
This checkbox enables or disables the output of MIDI clock messages (see
The Windows version also has a drop-down menu for choosing which MIDI output port
to send the MIDI clock on.
Rounded tempos (for Live)
Note - the following applies to version 7.0.10 of Ableton Live and earlier versions. Version 7.0.12
changed the behaviour of the application in this area, but it also introduced other issues. At the time
of writing, if you want to use Live synced to Augustus Loop via MIDI you’re recommended to use
version 7.0.10.
Essentially this is a workaround for a limitation in Ableton Live, in that Live reports
rounded tempo values to hosted plug-ins when externally synced by MIDI clock. For ex-
ample, if Live receives clocks at a tempo of 114.6bpm, it will tell its hosted plug-ins that the
tempo is 115bpm. Why it does this remains something of a mystery.
This is a problem if you are using multiple instances of Augustus Loop in a Live song,
with one AL set to generate MIDI clock, Live synced to that clock, and the other ALs set to
'Host Tempo' mode. When you use Tap Record to record your loop in the master AL, the
other ALs will be given a slightly wrong tempo by Live and the loops will be out of sync.
Turning on 'rounded tempo' in AL solves this problem by only ever generating MIDI clock
at rounded values. The downside is that the loop length will not be quite what you
wanted, but it may be good enough, depending largely on your musical style and whether
you record the first loop 'silent' simply to set the tempo.
With this mode turned on, when you use Tap Record the loop end will be slightly later
than when you tap to close the loop. E.g. if you record a loop that would have a tempo of
122.3bpm, AL actually keeps recording until the loop length matches a tempo of 122bpm.
Legacy filter behaviour
This checkbox causes the filter to revert to its behaviour in versions of the plug-in before
1.7.0 (see the