Setparameter( param, value ), Getparameterminmax( param ), Setothersparameter( id, param, value ) – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.4.1 User Manual

Page 61: Getothersparameter( id, param ), Sendosc( address, path [, format ] [, values ] )

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pitch = getParameter( “Pitch” )
pitch = getParameter( paramID_Pitch )

setParameter( param, value )

Sets the value of the plug-in parameter. See the description of getParameter() for the mean-
ing of ‘param’. E.g.

setParameter( “Pitch”, 12.0 )
setParameter( paramID_Pitch, 12.0 )

getParameterMinMax( param )

Returns the minimum and maximum values allowable for a plug-in parameter. See the de-
scription of getParameter() for the meaning of ‘param’. E.g.

local minv, maxv = getParameterMinMax( paramID_Pitch )

setOthersParameter( id, param, value )

As setParameter(), but sets the parameter on another instance of the plug-in, not necessar-
ily the one running the script. This allows you to control several instances of the plug-in
from a single script.

The ‘id’ is matched against the OSC Port Offset of the plug-ins. Any plug-in that matches
the id will have its parameter set.

Note that all the plug-ins must be loaded by the same host application. For controlling in-
stances of the plug-in loaded by other hosts, or running on other computers, use the
‘sendOSC’ command (below).


setOthersParameter( 2, paramID_Pitch, 12.0 )

getOthersParameter( id, param )

As getParameter(), but gets the parameter from another instance of the plug-in. See
setOthersParameter() for a fuller explanation. E.g.

pitch = getOthersParameter( 2, paramID_Pitch )

sendOSC( address, path [, format ] [, values ] )

Sends an OSC message. ‘values’ is an optional array of data items to be sent with the mes-
sage. If ‘values’ is used, then ‘format’ is an optional string that indicates how the items in
the values array should be interpreted. This is required because Lua treats all numbers as
being of the same type, whereas OSC differentiates between integers and floating point
values. The number of characters in ‘format’ should be the same as the number of values.
Each character may be one of ‘i’ (integer), ‘f’ (float) or ‘s’ (string).