Group:bounds(), Group:setposition( x, y ), Group:setvisible( v ) – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.4.1 User Manual
Page 47: Group:isvisible(), Add( control ), Knob( param, label, x, y, size ), Parambutton( param, x, y, w, h, u, v [, hold ] )

y = y + miscButtonsGroup:height()
Returns the extremities of the group. E.g.
local minx, miny, maxx, maxy = delayTimeGroup:bounds()
group:setPosition( x, y )
Sets the position of the group within the GUI. E.g.
miscButtonsGroup:setPosition( x, y )
group:setVisible( v )
Sets the visibility of the group. The parameter ‘v’ should be a boolean value (i.e. true or
false). E.g.
recordOffsetGroup:setVisible( false )
Returns whether the group is visible or not. E.g.
local v = not delayTimeGroup:isVisible()
add( control )
Similar to group:add(), but adds a control directly to the GUI, without it being in a group.
add( paramButton( "Saturation On/Off", ... ) )
knob( param, label, x, y, size )
Creates a knob (using the current knob renderer).
The ‘param’ parameter should be the name of the plug-in parameter that the knob will
control. The names are the same as are displayed in the banner line.
If no label is required, pass “” for the label.
group:add( knob( “Filter Cutoff”, “Cutoff”, 10, 10, 30 ) )
paramButton( param, x, y, w, h, u, v [, hold ] )
Creates a button to control the named plug-in parameter.
x, y, w, h specify the position, width and height of the button.