Operational modes – EcoTech Marine Full EcoSmart User Manual
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Operational Modes
EcoSmart NTM (Nutrient Transport Mode)
In this EcoSmart mode, water is circulated in a two phase program to promote maximum health
and nutrient export, as well as increased growth for sensitive corals such as SPS. In this
mode,your EcoSmart master driver will be purple and your slave driver will flash white/orange/teal
and indicate its speed by the LED strip. The third and fourth LED’s will indicate which EcoSmart
mode you are in. This mode is represented in the image below:
Phase one, or the wave phase, consists of the pumps puls-
ing at an expanding frequency so as to achieve a resonant
wave in any aquarium at some point in the pulse cycle. If
you have already tuned a wave form into your EcoSMART
driver by using the auto-tune function in Short Pulse Mode,
this saved resonant wave will automatically be used during
phase one of the this mode. The pulsing serves to raise de-
bris and detritus from the bottom of the tank and behind the
rock work, where it will then be migrated out from the water
column and into your overflow during phase two.
Phase two, or the nutrient transport phase, begins a flush-
ing cycle to export nutrients and debris in the water column
which can then be captured by your protein skimmer or
other filtration equipment, effectively removing it from the
aquarium and increasing the overall health of your tank.
To maximize the effectiveness of this mode on your aquar-
ium, your pumps should be positioned in the traditional
EcoSMART configurations, with at least two pumps oppo-
site each other on each side of the tank, and one or more
on the back wall. The graph below represents this:
Illustration above shows an EcoSmart Driver in
EcoSmart Mode (Purple Control Dial). The third
and fourth brightly illuminated LEDs show that
this driver is set to EcoSmart NTM along with the
dim LEDs showing the speed setting.
Section 4.1
% of user
set speed