Dynaflite DYFA2014 User Manual
Page 8

Q 2. Glue the 1/4" sq. top and bottom longerons
into place.
Q 3. Drill or cut and file a 1 /2" hole in the center of
F3. This will allow the pushrods to pass through it.
Lay the sides over the plans and mark the location of
the F2 and F3 fuselage formers.
Q 10. Starting at the nose/ cut and glue 3 pieces of
1/8" balsa bottom sheeting as shown on the plans.
[-ll1. Glue the 1/16" balsa bottom sheeting into
place. Do not sheet the top yet, we will need to
install the pushrods first.
Q 12. Find the 1/2" x 1-3/8" x 1-1/4" block that
fits cross grain in front of the canopy. Sand a bevel
to the approximate angle shown on the plan.
Q 13. Glue the block into place.
Q 4. Taper the 1 /4" sq. longerons at the rear of the
fuselage with a sanding block so when the
bulkheads are installed the tail will pull together to
measure about 1/8" thick.
LJ 5. Using a small triangle, glue F2 and F3 to the
left fuse side at a 90-degree angle. See section AA
on the plans for bulkhead orientation.
1— 6. Glue the right fuse side to F2 and F3.
Q 7. Pull the fuse together at the tail and glue
into place.
LJ 8. Pull the fuse front together and glue F1 into place.
Ul 9. With your sanding block/ sand the top and
bottom flat to accept the 1/16" and 1/8"
balsa bottom.
Q 14. Sand the front flat and glue the nose block
into place
Ql 15. Glue the tow hook block into place. It fits
between the two 1/4" sq. longerons and against the
bottom sheeting.
U 16. Cut a small exit hole on either side of the fuse
near the tail for the pushrod guide tubes.
U 17. Slide the pushrod guide tubes into the slots at
the rear, then through F3 and F2. Leave the tubes as
they are until you install the radio.
Q 18. Sheet the rear top of the fuse with 1/16"
balsa. Do not sheet the area where the stabilizer will
Q 1 9. Cut or sand a bevel at one end of the
hatch/canopy block so it will fit with the cross grain
block already installed.
Q 20. Hollow out the hatch/canopy block so that it
just clears F2, and sits flat on the fuselage.
1/8" THICK