Introduction – Dynaflite DYFA2014 User Manual
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Your Skeeter is not a toy, but a sophisticated working
model that functions very much like a full-size
airplane. Because of its realistic performance, the
Skeeter, if not assembled and operated correctly,
could possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators
and damage property.
To make your R/C modeling experience totally
enjoyable, we recommend that you get experienced,
knowledgeable help with assembly and during your
first flights. You'll learn faster and avoid risking your
model before you're truly ready to solo. Your local
hobby shop has information about flying clubs in your
area whose membership includes qualified instructors.
You can also contact the national Academy of Model
Aeronautics (AMA), which has more than 2,300
chartered clubs across the country. Through any one
of them, instructor training programs and insured
newcomer training are available. Contact the AMA
at the address or toll-free phone number below.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie,IN 47302
(800) 435-9262
Fax (317) 741-0057
1. You must assemble the plane according to the
instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as
doing so may result in an unsafe or unflyable model.
In a few cases the instructions may differ slightly
from the drawings or plan. In those instances you
should assume the written instructions are correct.
2. You must take time to build straight, true and strong/
3. You must properly install all R/C and other
components so that the model operates properly on
the ground and in the air.
4. You must test the operation of the model before the
first and each successive flight to insure that all
equipment is operating correctly. You must also make
certain that the model has remained structurally sound.
NOTE: We, as the kit manufacturer, can provide
you with a quality kit and great instructions, but
ultimately the quality and flyability of your finished
model depends on how you assemble it; therefore,
we cannot in any way guarantee the performance
of your completed model and no representations
are expressed or implied as to the performance or
safety of your completed model.
Congratulations on your purchase of the Dynaflite
Skeeter. The Skeeter is an attractive, easy to build, all
wood polyhedral Hand Launched Glider (HLG). With
its 55-1/2" inch wingspan and Selig 3021 airfoil, the
Skeeter is a real winner. You will have many hours of
fun with this little ship and never have to chase a
Hi-Start. The Skeeter is easy to build and cover with its
liteweight all balsa conventional construction. The
polyhedral wing, along with simple 2-channel (elevator
and rudder) control make for gentle, forgiving flights.
The Skeeter, with its ideal proportions, is perfectly suited
for small flying sites. So go a head... en joy, and don't let
those little flying sites get in the way of your fun!
At Dynaflite we take pride in offering kits that are
simple and straightforward to build and provide value
for your modeling dollar. Although the Skeeter is small
and easy to build, we recommend seeking the help of
an experienced modeler if this is your first kit. Your local
hobby shop or model club are prime sources of
modeling information.