Defibtech DDU-120 Series User Manual
Page 38

5.2.1 Checking Active Status Indicator
The Active Status Indicator (“ASI”) is located in the upper corner of the DDU-120 AED and
indicates the operational readiness state of the unit. It will periodically flash green to indicate
a fully functional condition. If it is flashing red or not flashing at all, the AED needs attention.
Anytime the ASI is flashing red and a good 9V battery is installed, the unit will periodically emit a
“beep” to call attention to itself.
If the ASI is not flashing at all, the most likely cause is that the ASI 9V battery needs to be replaced.
Follow the directions in the “Replacing the Lithium 9V ASI Battery” section to replace the ASI
battery. Once the battery has been replaced with a fresh battery, the ASI should once again flash
green. If it does not, the battery pack may be defective. In that event, the battery pack should
be replaced. If it still does not flash after inserting a new battery pack, the DDU-120 AED is non-
operational and needs servicing.
If the ASI is flashing red, turn the DDU-120 AED on. If the unit does not turn on or does not speak,
the AED is non-operational and requires servicing. If the unit does turn on, the voice prompts will
indicate the nature of the problem.
Maintenance Related Voice Prompts:
“Power-on self-test failed, service code ‘xxx’ ” – This indicates that the DDU-120 AED
has failed the power-on self-test and is non-operational and needs servicing. The code number will
indicate to the service personnel the type of problem that the unit is experiencing.
“Battery pack self-test failed, service code ‘xxx’ ” – This indicates that the DDU-120
AED’s battery pack is non-operational and needs servicing. The code number will indicate to the
service personnel the type of problem that the unit is experiencing.
“Service required” – This indicates that the unit has detected an error which rendered it
inoperable, and the unit requires servicing.
“Battery pack low” – This indicates that the battery pack capacity is low and should be replaced
soon. The AED will still be able to deliver at least a minimum of three defibrillation shocks the first
time this message is spoken.
“Replace battery pack” – This indicates that the battery pack is almost discharged and that the
AED may not be able to deliver defibrillation shocks. The battery pack should be replaced immediately.
“Replace 9 volt battery” – This indicates that the 9V battery in the battery pack needs to be
replaced. The unit may not provide active status indication during standby mode in this condition,
but the AED is still fully functional when turned on and may be used to treat patients. The 9V
battery should be replaced as soon as possible.
“Pads missing” – This indicates that pads were not found connected during a self test.