Comtrol QNX 4.xx User Manual
Rocketport, Series qnx, Xx device driver installation reference card

Use this Reference Card to configure and install up to
three Comtrol
RocketPort series multiport serial cards
and QNX
device driver.
The following are required to use this device driver:
• QNX level 4.
operating system
• An ISA- or PCI-based machine
Note: This Reference Card assumes that you are
familiar with the QNX 4.
operating system.
How to Use the On-Line Help
This device driver provides on-line help that shows how
to initialize the device driver. To start the help system,
enter the following:
use /Dev##.rckt
Installing RocketPort Systems
Use the following procedure to install and configure
RocketPort series systems with the
Note: Refer to the Hardware Reference Card for
hardware installation information or use the
Readme file that came with the driver.
If you are installing a RocketPort ISA in an EISA-bus
computer, you may need the EISA configuration files.
The EISA configuration files are available on the
Comtrol ftp site or the diskette that contains the
Diagnostics for the RocketPort series.
Downloading and Installing Driver Files
The file names are released on the ftp/web site with the
following file name format:
• B is optional and signifies a beta driver.
• #### is the Comtrol device driver part number, 6523.
• PAX means multiple files have been combined into
one file.
• .F means the file has been compressed.
Extracting Files
Use the following steps to extract the QNX driver files:
1. Download the file on to your system.
Note: If you downloaded the driver to a DOS file
system, you may need to use the Dosfsys
command to read the DOS formatted file.
2. Copy the 6523pax.f file to your root directory (/).
3. Rename the driver, type:
mv 6523pax.f 6523.pax.F
Use one of the following procedures to install the driver
directly onto your hard drive or create an installation
Note: Before you install the driver, you may need to
increase the size of the Device Manager -n option
in the
statement in your sysinit file for the
controllers you are adding.
Installing the Driver On the Hard Drive
Use the following procedure to install the driver on your
hard drive.
1. Follow Steps 1-3 in the Extracting Files discussion.
2. Enter one of the following commands to install and
create a /Comtrol directory the driver:
install -u 6523.pax.F
cat 6523.pax.F | melt | pax -rv
3. Load the driver by following the Loading the Driver
Creating an Installation Diskette
Use the following procedure to create a Comtrol QNX
driver diskette:
1. Follow Steps 1-3 in the Extracting Files discussion.
2. Place diskette into floppy drive (/dev/fd0).
3. Enter the following commands:
dinit /dev/fd0
cat 6523.pax.F | vol -ws2 /dev/fd0
4. To install the driver from the floppy drive, type:
If necessary, set the I/O address
Initialize the card.
Install the device driver.
DIP switch on any ISA cards.
Install the cards in the system.
4.xx Device Driver
Installation Reference Card