Comtrol VS1100 Installation Reference Card User Manual
Page 11

NetWare Connect: find the line in autoexec.ncf that
initializes the VS1000 base unit and change the
nports command in the load aiovs1 line to reflect
the added ports.
MPR: use the inetcfg Boards option to change the
number of AIO ports on the VS1000 base units and
the Network Interfaces option to configure the
new ports.
NetWare Connect: down and restart the server so
that your changes take effect.
MPR: use the inetcfg Reinitialize System option to
put the new configuration into effect.
NetWare Connect only: use nwccon to configure the
new ports.
Resume normal operations.
Adding VS1000 Base Units
Follow these steps to add more VS1000 base units to an
existing installation.
Connect the new VS1000 to the network, as
described under Installing VS1000 Hardware.
Switch on the VS1000 and verify that it passes the
power-on diagnostics.
NetWare Connect: at the system console, enter the
load aiovs1 command for this unit, as described in
the Installation and Configuration Guide.
MPR: use the inetcfg Boards option to add the unit.
Configure the new ports as needed.
NetWare Connect: edit autoexec.ncf and add the
load line for the new VS1000.
MPR: use the inetcfg Reinitialize System option to
put the new configuration into effect.
Resume normal operations.
“Hot-Swapping” Units in Service
Under Novell, “hot-swapping” is handled through the
vs1man.nlm utility. For more information, see the
Installation and Configuration Guide or vs1man help.