RCA CDS 1000 User Manual

Page 21

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background image

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Selecting Images

To select images one by one; press the
Control key (Command key on the
Macintosh) and click thumbnails

individually to activate the selection.

Camera Status

Use this button to display camera status

Record mode: Previews the picture to
be taken and displays it on the camera’s

LCD monitor.

Play mode: Views the photos taken and
displays them on the camera’s LCD.

Auto Power Off Time: Allows setting of
the time interval before auto shut off.

(PC user’s note: Left Mouse Button
increases numbers. Right mouse button
decreases numbers.)

Camera Setting

Use this button to display camera

setting dialog.

Baud Rate Speeding includes three

levels; slow (38400 bits per second),
normal (57600 bits per second), and fast
(115200 bits per second).

Help for the user(s)

Use this button to display the on-line
help window.

Exit from TWAIN

Use this button to exit the TWAIN
