Cocoon POWERTALK 101 User Manual
Page 50

PowerTALK 101
Testing system watchdog
PowerTALK 101 has a watchdog system implemented to guard against hardware and/or firmware
failure. It is very difficult to test since one needs an actual faulty processor, but can be simulated
by the short, as indicated. The short actually forces the PowerTALK 101 unit to not refresh the
watchdog timer, resulting in repeated system reset.
Link for Watchdog test
LED connector, DB-25F (holes) seen from the outside of the box.
Using PowerTALK 101 with bridges and routers
Different versions of PowerTALK 101 behave differently with routers. PowerTALK 101
implements a broadcast protocol, meant for single or single virtual network segments, while
PowerTALK 101B implements the same protocol with point to point links. PowerTALK 101C
implements the TCP/IP protocol.
Ethernet bridges learn where the various MAC addresses on your network are and forward
packets accordingly. They will normally forward all PowerTALK 101 packets perfectly, but some
bridges allow filtering of packets based on certain criteria, for example broadcasts can be
discarded. If broadcasts are disabled, the PowerTALK 101 network will not see units on the far
side of the bridge. The same applies to routers and intelligent hubs. They will rarely pass
broadcasts, so units on the far side of them will not be seen. PowerTALK 101B will be able to use
any TCP/IP compliant bridge/router or intelligent hub. The PowerTALK protocol is fully TCP/IP
compliant, and allows any unit on the WAN to be -
1. Linked to any other unit.
2. Have its configuration examined and modified
However, units on different sub-nets of a WAN must be referred to by IP number not name, and
valid entries for IP number, default gateway IP number and sub-net mask must be entered into all
units. Refer to your network administrator.