Carl Goldberg GBGA1067 User Manual
Page 17

3. Insert foam on both sides of the fuel tank.
Note: This is also a good place for the radio battery if
1. Place the 4” x 12” plastic strip so that it is sit-
ting on top on the engine just past the cylinder
Tape the plastic to the fuselage at the very
end with masking tape.
Mark a outline around the cyclinder head and
you exhust pipe.
Make a mark where the back of the plastic is
sitting on the fuselage.
Un-tape the plastic sheet from the fuselage
and cut out the plastic where you marked for
the engine.
Gather the following items
(1) Cowl
(4) 4-40 x 1/2 Socket Head Bolt
(4) #4 Washer
(1) 4” x 12” Clear Plastic
2. Unscrew the engine from the motor mounts.
Place the cowl on the fuselage and fasten
using the 4-40 x 1/2” bolts and washers.
Re-tape the clear plastic sheet on the marks
that you made on the fuselage.
Make a mark where the cut out is on the cowl.
remove the cowl and cut out the openings.
NOTE: Start with small openings then slowly
increase the size till the cowl fits.
Install your radio switch.
Install your receiver and battery pack accord-
ing to your radio instructions.
The Sukhoi has lots of room to move the bat-
tery around to help with the CG. Do not make
a final place till you have balanced the plane.
We placed our receiver behind the rudder
servo and our battery in front of the throttle
servo. The location of these items will vary with
each planes set up.